

Hi children!
January 6, is the last day of Christmastime and “Epiphany”. Epiphany became the Festival of the Three Kings, or wise men/magi: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. According to an old legend based on a Bible story, these three kings saw, at the night when Christ was born, a bright star, followed it to Bethlehem and found there the Christchild and presented it with gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Today, the Star Singers visited our friends in Austria.This tradition is still very much alive in Austria. Children are dressed as the kings, holding up a large star, go from door to door and singing a Three Kings' song. For this they receive money and this donation go to charities of the church or the Third World, - this year to the street kids of Uganda. The Star Singers inscribe in chalk over the doorway the initials of the Three Kings C+M+B plus the year, to protect house and home. According to the Church C+M+B stands for "Christus Mansionem Benedictat", - Christ bless this home.
Finally, I should like to say, it was an interesting time in Austria to gain an insight into the Austrian traditions and way of life. And we enjoyed the wintersports facilities like skiing, snowboarding, to go sledging, skating and cross-country skiing.
Tomorrow, we are going to a tailor to get tailor-made Austrian clothes. Mr Wista wants leather trousers and I would like to have a dirndl dress.

Good bye!
Mrs Wista

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